Archive for the ‘Family Fun’ Category

Recent pictures

We’ve added some pics from the last couple of years. To view them as a slideshow, click the link that says View with PicLens. The show will automatically load for you. To view individual pictures (and scroll through the entire series), simply click on the photo that you’d like to start with. You’ll then be able to go through each picture individually. Simply click the photo to exit. Caution: We’ve optimized the site for high-speed connection. Some of the photos are quite large and may take some time to load with a dial-up connection. If this poses a problem for you, drop us a note and we’ll scale down the image size (but, we’ll lose some quality). The editor.

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Christmas Cards are in the mail!

After being quite remiss about sending out cards for the past two years (see the full explanation in the Top 10 List of Things You Might Have Missed During the Past Two Years) we are proud to announce that Christmas Cards are in the mail and should be arriving shortly. For the past several years, we’ve been buying our cards from the Air Safety Foundation and have been very satisfied with the cards we’ve gotten.

The 2009 Cunningham Christmas Card

2009 Christmas Card

Meet the Griswolds

We’ve been hard at work decorating for Christmas. We got a head start on some of the exterior lights in mid-November, much to the chagrin of the neighbors who then felt like they were slackers. The decorating began in earnest the day after Thanksgiving with Ben ready to go outside at 7:00 a.m. He evidently wanted to go out that early so that he could work in the dark and see the lights develop into a thing of beauty as they were hung with care. Needless to say, Dad didn’t quite make it out that early. After thinking about going with a helicopter theme, complete with helipad, we decided to go with an airplane and runway look. Check out the snowmen working on the flightline!

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Welcome to the Ben Times!

Howdy! Welcome to the all new, completely on-line version of the popular Ben Times. What started as a rather modest, albeit funny, effort nearly 11 years ago has morphed into something that none of us really expected way back when.  Please be sure to check back for updates and to eventually subscribe to the page so that you can receive all updates as they are posted. Till then, the editor.

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